
Posts Tagged ‘William James Bill Wilson AA Religious Freedom’

Bill W. speaks about his transcendent spiritual experience in Towns Hospital, one which some believe may have actually been a near death experience due to its similarities to recorded NDE’s, i.e. becoming one with the Light, a peace beyond all understanding, etc. Bill also addresses his reading, shortly thereafter, of the Varieties of Religious Experience and his admiration for author, the father of modern psychology, William James, whom he came to refer to as “…one of the founders of AA.” Bill Wilson discusses the common denominators of such transformative experiences, as described by James, regardless of religious affiliation or belief.

AA is successfully practiced the world over by persons of every major religion and by persons without any religious affiliation at all, which speaks to the efficacy of the unifying spiritual principles practiced in Alcoholics Anonymous which clearly transcend the religious differences which seem to keep mankind in perpetual strife.


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