
Posts Tagged ‘Chemtrail Matrix’

Dr. Bertell speaks plainly about geoengineering while waiting to testify before two UN NGO investigations concerning military use of depleted uranium.

Etc. Group is in Cochabamba for the global summit, www.etcgroup.org is a website I’ve visited many times and their research has really helped me to gain a deeper understanding of the science of geoengineering. Executive Director of Etc. group Pat Mooney, also known as mentor to the legendary Dr. Vendana Shiva, spoke with Amy Goodman on Democracy Now, http://www.democracynow.org/2010/4/20/four , about the very real downfalls and dangers of geoengineering. What he didn’t say about this  massive classified operation, which Dennis Kucinich has unsuccessfully attempted to ban through legislation*1, is that the operations have been taking place for years. Geoengineering isn’t a proposal, it’s a full-blown operation, but don’t take my word for it, just start looking up and keep looking long enough to see the aerosol spraying turn into cloud cover.

A friend told me about this airborne activity years ago and it took me at least three years of cynicism before I believed him. He repeatedly told me, “Just look up!” I did but I just couldn’t see it, in my mind I was simply seeing contrails in the sky. I thought my friend was a little touched.

Then it happened and once you see it, there’s no turning back, you see it and what you are seeing registers. I was in Yuma, Arizona on business and had some time to kill. I sat on the tailgate of my truck with my cup of morning coffee and looked at the sky. I watched as an airplane created what seemed to be a long, bright, thick contrail, then as another trail was created, crossing over the previous one, then another, and another, and another, creating a sort of grid or tick tac toe design. I noticed that some of the “contrails’ would stop and start, would have gaps, and all had a beginning, middle, and an end. I realized these weren’t contrails, nor was this spraying taking place over agricultural land, this was right over the city of Yuma.

I noticed these aerosol trails in the sky hovered, they remained in the sky and began to spread out, streaming, blending, merging, they were forming cloud cover. It was an eerie revelation to sit there and recognize that the clouds above were actually a man-made chemical haze.

I’ve watched this process take place hundreds of times since then, over the skies of Phoenix, Arizona. One has to commit to at least an hour or so of viewing in order to observe how the “chemtrails”, as they are popularly known, form into cloud cover, but once you actually take the time to observe the process you’ll know it’s real.

Because it’s classified, research is a challenge. I once uncovered a report on a global summit held in the late nineties wherein geoengineering of this nature was in fact discussed and the idea of covert operations were proposed in order to avoid the hinderance of regulation. This form of geoengineering, deliberate stratospheric aerosol spraying, is known as solar radiation management and its primary purpose is to reflect the sun’s rays back out into space and reduce the global temperature.

The problem is that it protects corporate polluters rather than the population. We are essentially living in a sea of barium and aluminum, if a number of citizen initiated lab tests on air and rain are an indicator.

Another issue is dual military uses for a reflective shield that apparently can potentially be used for heating up portions of the ionosphere and thus manipulating the weather for military purposes. This isn’t as far-fetched as it sounds, when one begins to research military uses of weather manipulation one discover it goes back for decades and there’s even a UN Treaty intended to ban such manipulations.*2

Using weather as a weapon clearly implicates the potential for war crimes and cannot be a practice the citizenry of a government of, by, and for the people, can ignore. We have to shed light in the direction of darkness lest it fester and breed the activities that thrive in secret, it’s our  responsibility as citizens and in a technologically advanced age this requires us to gain knowledge.

There are numerous high quality and credible websites researching these subjects but be forewarned there’s a lot of junk and wild theories out there as well. Stick with credible science and documentation, it’s out there.


*1 HR 2977, Sec. 7, Sec. B., 107th Congress, can be viewed at the Library of Congress website, www.thomas.loc.gov

*2 http://www.scribd.com/doc/3436120/UN-1976-Weather-Weapon-Treaty

I appreciate the research of William Thomas who was featured in a History Channel documentary entitled That’s Impossible! Weather Warfare! http://www.willthomas.net/Chemtrails/index.htm

I also appreciate the research of musician Carol Pellatt, whose website contains massive documentation on the subject, including a USAF document entitled Owning the Weather by 2025. www.iseelines.com and if you want to see a great documentary short featuring a montage of what these things actually look like click on her video Who Are You?

The History Channel documentary can be viewed here:


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